Things I do to stay healthy!

Health is the most precious good we have as humans. Without good health, we struggle and are challenged every day. With the Covid-pandemic the expression is discussed more than ever before. People are worried about their health and scared to get sick. Of course, there are times where humans get an illness or become weak (and we cannot avoid that) but there are ways to strengthen the human body and mind. It is important to take care of the physical and mental health, strengthen the immune system and the mindset to reduce the risk of getting sick. 

Everybody has different ways to take care of body and mind, some do heavy exercise, others spend a lot of time meditating while some are following strict diets. Each body is individual and needs different things to be at its optimum. 

I want to share my daily habits, to inspire you to try new things! They might help you to strengthen your body and mind! Check it out.

Having a routine

I know, not a thing for everyone. Having a routine might not be important for everybody, but for me, it is essential because it makes me feel safe, motivates me, and stables all my actions. I feel strong and efficient when I have a daily routine. It does not have to be super strict, but having some regular points is great support for me and my health.

Listening to my body

So many people always say: listen to your body and you will know what you need. For so long I was pretty confused about that… what is my body telling me? I didn’t understand much about my body. It was a long process to understand my own language and signals. But in the end, all the effort was worth it. I am listening to my body very carefully because this is what keeps my body strong and healthy. Having a natural feeling and understanding of the physical needs and signals is very helpful on a daily basis.

Taking a break

Breaks are an amazing way to recover and regain power. Running from one to another appointment, meeting friends, buying essentials, taking care of the family I lost myself quite fast. I had so much hustle, being busy all the time and feeling stressed and tired all the time. Taking breaks is a great way to get back to myself. Taking a break for me means being all by myself for a while and doing something that inspires me and helps me to be in my center again.

Food habit

Various experts advise making numerous diets to stay healthy. For many people, this is a great way to have healthy and balanced nutrition. I believe that one of the most important things is variation. I try to make new meals and find new recipes all the time to make sure I get all the important nutrients that I need. I always have fresh fruits and vegetables at home, so I can prepare amazing healthy meals all the time. 

Being in nature

Being in nature helps me to be myself, letting my thoughts go, and get away from the daily hustle. Nature gives me so much energy, I feel healthy and strong whenever I am out running in the woods or climbing a mountain. It is a great way to balance my inner self and feel myself just the way I am.


Exercising is a very important part of my routine, it energizes me, keeps my body fit, and motivates me to live my life to the fullest. Doing exercises helps me to feel every muscle of my body, and becoming aware of my physical health.

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How to get fit in 2 weeks at home

Fri Jul 23 , 2021
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How to get fit in 2 weeks at home