7 Activities That Help You To Stay Positive

Do you sometimes wake up and feel tired? Do you feel sad? Are you wondering where your good mood from last week went? 

In times like this, with a pandemic going on, floods and fires destroying whole countries things seem very negative and horrible. News and social media are always keeping us up to date with what is going on in the world and this can influence our minds and well-being a lot. To balance negativity every individual should find strategies to stay positive even during challenging times.

Even though it might feel like everything is bad, there are so many beautiful things where you should focus on to strengthen your body and mind.

Can you feel how much energy a walk in nature gives you? Are you aware of the power of a good book and a hot tea? 

Practice gratitude

Be grateful for the small things in your life. Some people keep a gratitude journal to focus their minds on the beautiful and positive aspects. Maybe it helps you to figure out one thing you are thankful for every morning. You can also do it in the evening before you go sleep. It is totally up to you when and how you practice gratitude, just make sure that you do it regularly and take the time to fully appreciate what you are grateful for. It can go from the fresh tasty coffee to a beautiful sunny morning or time with your loved ones. You are free to find positivity in the small things around you. 

Go for a coffee with your favorite person

Feeling down or sad easily leads to isolation. When we do not feel good, we put ourselves on the couch and watch Netflix avoiding social contacts as much as we can. To get out of this emotional mood, go out. Take action against your own comfort. It activates you and takes you in a different (mostly more positive) environment. Go for a coffee with your best friend, meet relatives or go for a walk with your partner. Spending time with your loved ones will help you to gain new energy and change your mind to a more active and positive one.

Take a break from the news/ social media

We are up to date with all kinds of news from all over the world every second. Many people start their day by reading the news online. It is of course important to know what is happening, but sometimes it is good to take a break from the news. Some people don’t use their social media accounts for some days or don´t watch the news on TV for a certain time in favor of their well-being. It is important to know when there is a limit reached and when to take a “healthy” break.

Do something every day that makes you happy

Being in the day-to-day hustle we easily forget to do something that makes us truly happy. Running from one appointment to the next obligation we have the feeling to not be able to spend time on our hobbies. You are the only person who is responsible for your time management. Make sure to take time for things that make you feel good. Just digging yourself in things that stress you, will take you down. But doing activities (sports, meeting friends, doing arts) is a very important aspect that keeps your mind positive.

Listen to your body

Your body exactly knows what it needs. And it is your responsibility to listen carefully and understand the needs. If you are exhausted, allow yourself to take a break. If you are hungry make sure you eat healthy, if you have pain find the origin for it. Never ignore the signs of your body. Take care of your body properly, because a healthy body will also impact the positivity of your mind.

Learn something new

Learning new tasks are a human desire. Keep yourself active with learning new subjects and grow every day. Understanding new things will challenge your mind and keep you flexible. If you stop being curious, you will stop your growth. Stay curious, learn new things, and grow every day. Become an expert in what you love.

Give yourself a break

In daily life, we easily forget to take a break because we are so busy. Make sure to give yourself time to regain energy. Feel yourself and recover your mind and body. Do not hustle from one to another event, allow yourself to take a break. Do breathing exercises, go to a spa, meditate or read a book. It is ok to be offline and unreachable for your well-being. Find ways for yourself that help you to calm down, center yourself, and feel yourself again.

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Total Life Champion, Self - Empowerment Book Series by Shea Arender launches on Amazon kindle