Tiffany Rothman is a professional represented actress rising in the entertainment industry! While starring in great productions, Tiffany is member of multiple entertainment organizations including SAG, AFTRA, AEA, and as a pro dancer, Tiffany Rothman is also a member of the Isadora Duncan International Institute and sits on the board of advisors! Aside from her talent in the entertainment industry, she is also a big humanitarian leading her to partake in many charitable organizations in the community and becoming a founder of Worldwide Pioneer Foundation. Recently, Tiffany starred in an episode on the famed tv-series ‘Blue Bloods’.
Read below as Actress Tiffany Rothman gives us an exclusive article with psychological analysis !
Thoughts On Addiction
by Tiffany Rothman, Psy.D./MBA
I was fortunate enough to be one of the co-stars in the CBS series, BLUE BLOODS, Episode 1207, which aired on November 19, 2021. The episode was titled “USA TODAY”.
I played a mother to an adult son who had a gambling addiction. He also lost $20,000 to gambling and ended up stealing from his modest income parents. What is addiction and why does one have it? The article, “ A Psychodynamic Way Of Understanding Addiction” was written by Sharam Heshmat, Ph.D., and reviewed by Abigail Fagan. It described addiction as a defense mechanism triggered by an inability to deal with certain feelings with the need to avoid “FEELING POWERLESS”. The addict has to compensate for his/her inner feelings such as anxiety, low self –esteem and doubts. The use of drugs or gambling provides short-term self-confidence and a feeling of being accepted. The imaginary world of an addict provides a feeling of complete control versus the feeling of being out of control and useless in the real world. The repeated behavior (i.e. drug use or gambling) becomes a way to gain relief in daily life. Relief is short-term; however, in the long term, it becomes a way of soothing one’s self.
According to the article, “ THE BRIEF ADDICTION SCIENCE INFORMATION SOURCES (BASIS) – MARCH 27-02, THE WAGNER VOL. 7(13)- Early Contributions to Gambling Research: Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Pathological Gambling: Robert Lindner in 1950 presented some early 20th-century psychoanalytic theories relating to problem gambling. Before the 20th century, there was almost no research on the topic of gambling problems. In the early 1900s, Sigmund Freud indicated that gambling was a substitute for self-gratification. The problem is rooted in the pervasive conflict over self-gratification. The desire to gratify oneself is accompanied by self–criticism following giving in to the act. In 1920, Ernst Simmel felt that the gambler tends to regress to the anal stage of his/her development. The characteristic of gamblers derives from trying to acquire, through the mechanism of returning to early infantile deprivation, the “narcissistic supplies” that the gambler feels were denied to him/her such as food, love, comfort, and attention. In 1931, 1) Renee Laforgue suggested that gambling represented an erotic enhancement of fear. 2) Ernest Jones implied that gambling is a sublimation of oedipal aggression toward the father. 1936, Edmund Bergler found that unconscious aggression and self-punishment are established in the cycle since the gambler has an unconscious wish to lose regardless of the outwardly expressed attitude toward winning.
1940, Theodore Reek indicated that the gambler seeks the answers to questions that surround self-gratification such as, “ Will I be punished or forgiven for my wrongdoing?”
These theories changed over time. The theory that gambling is a substitution for self-gratification is found in a more modern theory of addictions that sometimes is called the self-medication hypothesis. The self-medication hypothesis is also derived from psychoanalysis. It suggests that substance abuse can take the place of impaired defense mechanisms. Although the focus on these two theories differs, they have a common link in viewing gambling as a substitute for shortcomings in other aspects of functioning. ‘
Remember to check out Blue Bloods ( CBS) Episode 1207